woman in field looking pensively with field behind him
Brand Logo

It’s All About the Beans.

You seek the highest performance potential. You demand innovation in your fields. You look for products that deliver. Asgrow® brand works the same way, with an unwavering focus on soybeans and how they can produce ROI for farmers.

The Yield of Champions

Another fantastic season has gone by, and now it’s time to celebrate. Check out this year’s winners of the Asgrow® Brand National Yield Contest. We appreciate everyone who entered this year and congratulate every winner. It’s a victory well deserved. 

Combine harvesting a soybean field under clear skies with the Asgrow® logo overlaid on the left

The data is in. And Asgrow brand is on top.

There’s no disputing the facts: In 2023, Asgrow brand XtendFlex® soybeans had a 2 Bu/A advantage vs. Enlist E3® soybeans.* Put this advantage to work on your acres and experience the performance difference for yourself. 

Promo Tools of Clean fields lead to higher yields.

See Your Local Results

Want to get more specific data? Use our Local Yield Results search tool to see performance information, variety-by-variety and farm-by-farm. It’s a handy way to find the Asgrow products that are performing well right down the road from you.
location_offLocal Yield ResultsEnter your Zip Code to view trial results in your area.

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A farmer collecting data with an antenna next to a tractor on a field of soybean

Clean fields. Clear choice.

Asgrow brand XtendFlex® soybeans give you more flexibility to keep your fields clean. The result? Outstanding agronomic performance backed by 25+ years of innovation.

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Product Stewardship

We’re committed to growing the future while protecting what we have today. It happens through safety, responsibility and sustainability.

Farmer kneeling in field Bayer ForGround