Close-up of cotton plants with fluffy white cotton bolls ready for harvest in a field during late season.
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West Texas Tough

Cotton that is bred for West Texas. Tested for West Texas. Made in West Texas.

Proven to Perform

West Texas is unlike anywhere else. To make it here, you have to be tough. So, when we say our cotton is West Texas Tough, we mean it. Because we don’t just develop our varieties with Texas in mind. These varieties are bred specifically for the region and are tested and made right here in West Texas.
West Texas Tough & DryTough™ Cotton Variety Lineups

These Deltapine® cotton varieties are proven West Texas Tough. Count on them to deliver high yield potential, outstanding fiber quality, strong protection against pests and solid results in your fields. When water is scarce and the ground is dry, trust DryTough™ cotton varieties to give you all of the performance you expect while protecting your bottom line.

West Texas Tough Varieties

Created for West Texas

High elevation. Low water tables. Limited rainfall. The threat of sandstorms. To succeed in West Texas, you have to be resilient, resourceful, hardworking and performance-driven. That’s what it means to be West Texas Tough.

Bred for West Texas

We put our cotton to the test in the very soil it was bred for through our premier testing and commercialization program. This process ensures the seed we develop can perform in all of West Texas’ unique growing conditions.

Breeding and Testing in the Heart of West Texas

Our premier breeding facility in Lubbock, Texas, is the only manufacturing plant of its kind in West Texas and sits on the largest cotton patch in the U.S. This research facility houses multiple programs focused on improving genetic performance and is a central point for the breeding and testing programs in the High Plains region.

A breeding facility with partly cloudy skies in the background with an overlay of white-outlined Southern states, focusing on Texas.
Hear What Our Experts Are Saying
A construction worker wearing a hard hat and safety vest, standing confidently at an industrial site with a green filter over the image.
Kelly Tucker, Site Lead | Lubbock, Texas“I get to look at all the new stuff before they’re released. We get to see how they work on our farm. And we get to evaluate them from start to finish.”
Smiling worker in a plaid shirt posing indoors in a factory or industrial setting with a green filter over the image.
Darren Jones, Commercial Development Breeder | Lubbock, Texas“Deltapine has made a commitment to West Texas by placing our breeding facilities in Lubbock … to make Deltapine cotton tough, West Texas Tough.”
Farmer outdoors wearing a baseball cap and t-shirt, standing in front of agricultural equipment with a green filter over the image.
Ty Turnipseed, Farmer | Hockley County, Texas“When you develop varieties for West Texas, that says a lot because that means you aren’t going anywhere. You all want us growers to succeed and give us the best product.”