National Systems Protocol Disease Management

March 24, 2021


Corn is confronted with several serious disease threats during the season. Managing these diseases with the use of seed and foliar fungicide treatments is essential to maintain yield potential. The objectives of these trials include:

  • Evaluate the efficacy of seed treatments and foliar fungicides on reducing yield loss due to Fusarium Crown Rot, stalk health issues and other corn diseases.

  • Communicate the value that native disease tolerance, seed applied solutions, and foliar fungicides bring to disease risk management systems. 


National Systems Protocol Disease Management
1010_P2_20 Site Details


Average yield response to different fungicide application timings across all regions, seed treatments and corn products.
Figure 1. Average yield response to different fungicide application timings across all regions, seed treatments and corn products.

Broad Acre Yield Across Locations  

  • Across all locations, V5 was the only application that does not seem to contribute to yield potential.

Figure 2. Comparison of different fungicide application systems across all regions.

Systems Comparison

  • R1/Elite/Susceptible yielded 10 bu/acre better versus Untreated/Basic/Susceptible (Low input system).

Regional Results

Eastern Corn Belt: 4 locations
  • R1 only block yielded 8 bu/acre higher than Untreated.  
  • R1/Elite Susceptible package yielded 21 bu/acre higher than Untreated/Basic Susceptible (Low inputs system).
Figure 3 A. Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across the Eastern Corn Belt.

Figure 3 B. Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across the Eastern Corn Belt.

South/East Coast: 5 locations
  • No significant difference between application timings vs Untreated block but V5R1 application showed 10 bu/acre advantage over Untreated. 

  • V5R1/Elite Tolerant package (High Inputs) yielded 10 bu/acre higher than Untreated /Basic Susceptible (Low inputs system).

Figure 3 C. Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across the South/East Coast.

Figure 3 D. Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across South/East Coast.

Central Plains: 7 locations
  • R1 and V5R1 showed significant yield advantage over V5 only block.

  • R1/Elite Susceptible package yielded 6 bu/acre higher than Untreated/Basic Susceptible (Low inputs system).

Figure 3 E. Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across the Central Plains.

Figure 3 F. Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across the Central Plains.

Illinois: 5 locations
  • R1 only and V5R1 yielded 19-20 bu/acre higher than Untreated block.

  • R1/Elite Tolerant package yielded 30 bu/acre higher than Untreated/Basic Susceptible (Low inputs system).

Statistically non-significant differences

Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications   evaluated on a regional basis across Illinois.
Figure 3 G. Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across Illinois.

Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across Illinois.
Figure 3 H. Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across Illinois.

Midwest: 4 locations
  • R1 only and V5R1 application showed 9-10 bu/acre advantage over Untreated.

  • Both R1/Elite Susceptible and V5R1/Elite Susceptible packages yielded 17 bu/acre higher than Untreated/Basic Susceptible (Low inputs system).

Statistically non-significant differences

Figure 3 I. Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across the Midwest.

Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across the Midwest
Figure 3 J. Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across the Midwest.

Northern Plains: 3 locations

  • R1 and V5R1 blocks yielded 4-5 bu/acre better than Untreated.

  • R1/Elite Tolerant yielded 9 bu/acre higher than Untreated/Basic Susceptible (Low inputs system).

Statistically non-significant differences

Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across the Northern Plains.
Figure 3 K. Comparison of corn yield responses to timing of fungicide applications evaluated on a regional basis across the Northern Plains.

Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across the Northern Plains
Figure 3 L. Comparison of fungicide systems trials (including seed treatments, germplasm and foliar fungicide applications) evaluated on a regional basis across the Northern Plains.


  • In this trial, both R1 and V5R1 blocks had lower foliar disease severity ratings and better staygreen when comparted to the Untreated block.

  • Corn products with higher susceptibility to foliar and stalk diseases showed better yield response to R1 applications.

  • Overall, across all locations yield data supports very little to no value from additional V5 applications.

  • V5 only applications showed mixed results compared to Untreated block with three regions showing 2-5 bu/acre yield increases and four regions showing a 3-7 bu/acre yield decreases. These results suggest that there might be a regional fit for V5 applications.
