Fall Management Options for Kochia

November 1, 2022

Management of kochia is vital as it has the potential to produce thousands of seeds per plant and can greatly reduce crop yields. The best time for control is shortly before or after kochia seedlings emerge and are actively growing (Figures 1 and 2).1,2 Yet it is not always feasible to apply an effective soil-applied, pre-emergence herbicide or get adequate efficacy in the spring due to weather impacts. A lack of moisture can limit full activation of the herbicide and excessively wet fields can be inaccessible for application. A great option is to apply residual herbicides in the late fall.

Figure 1. Kochia seedling showing characteristic hairs. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Andrew Kniss.
Figure 1. Kochia seedling showing characteristic hairs. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Andrew Kniss.

Figure 2. Kochia seedling. Picture courtesy of and used with the permission of Andrew Kniss.

Herbicide applications applied before the ground freezes can help to provide residual control into May.1 Flumioxazin, for example, provides control or suppression of kochia and allows rotational flexibility to many crops the following spring. Suppression of kochia should thin the population to enable better herbicide coverage of any burndown application prior to planting.

Fall Herbicide Options for Kochia Control2,3,4

Not all herbicide active ingredients allow for rotational flexibility. Make sure to read and follow label directions. Successful weed control is dependent on spray coverage and volume, adequate herbicide rates, proper adjuvant selection and tank mix partners.

  • If planting corn, herbicide active ingredients that could be applied in the fall could include atrazine, flumioxazin, flumioxazin + pyroxasulfone, pyroxasulfone, s-metolachlor, acetochlor, or a combination of these (make sure labels allow a combination).
  • If planting soybean, herbicide active ingredients that could be applied in the fall could include flumioxazin, pendimethalin, s-metolachlor, dimethenamid-p, pyroxasulfone, sulfentrazone, saflufenacil, dimethenamid, or a combination of these products (make sure labels allow a combination).

The most effective management strategy for kochia is the prevention of seed production throughout the year. Fall control of kochia can be an effective option in setting the stage for a clean start in the spring before planting.

Channel Agronomist
Dawn Gustafson


Managing kochia. Agriculture, Proving of Manitoba Agriculture. https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/weeds/print,managing-kochia.html/.

2Werle, R. 2017. Q&A: When is the best time for kochia control? CROPWATCH. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2017/qa-when-best-time-kochia-control/.

3Ikley, Joe, et.al., 2022. North Dakota Weed Control Guide, W253-22. North Dakota State University. https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/publications/north-dakota-weed-control-guide.

3,4Shaffer, Gared, 2022 (updated). The fall advantage of kochia control. South Dakota State University Extension. https://extension.sdstate.edu/fall-advantage-kochia-control/.

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