A fungicide application at the early flowering timing protects grain quality, yield and profitability

May 23, 2019

Fusarium head blight, or scab, on wheat can reduce yield and affect grain quality. An application of Prosaro at the 8.2 oz/A rate at the early flowering stage (Feekes 10.5.1) delivers long residual protection from diseases and helps maximize grain quality, yield and profit potential.

Prosaro® at 8.2 oz/A applied at Feekes 10.5.1 stage delivers broad-spectrum control against scab and other diseases

Winning the battle against head and leaf diseases is all about timing. When is the right time to apply a fungicide? Is it effective against scab? What happens to my spring wheat if I apply my fungicide too early?

These are tough questions that have one simple solution: apply an 8.2 oz/A rate of Prosaro fungicide at the early flowering stage (Feekes 10.5.1). Prosaro, the No. 1 scab reducer, protects grain quality and yield for high profit potential. Prosaro at the 8.2 oz/A rate has a long residual to fight profit-robbing diseases like Fusarium head blight (FHB), known as scab, and other head and leaf diseases.

Best Practice for Fungicide Application

North Dakota State University (NDSU) agrees the optimum time for a fungicide application is at early flowering. NDSU says “applying a fungicide at this stage protects vulnerable florets from Fusarium damage during fertilization and the kernel during early grain-filling.

The Bayer Cereal Experts concur. A timely foliar fungicide application is critical when conditions become favorable for disease development or to suppress scab when symptoms appear.

“The risk for scab is greatest during warm, humid and wet weather conditions often encountered during the flowering period of plant development,” said Kevin Thorsness, Bayer technical service representative and one of the Bayer Cereal Experts. “If scab is left uncontrolled, there will be a premature bleaching on a portion of or the entire head. You may also see mold growing at the base of the spikelets.”

Thorsness says applying Prosaro during these conditions at the early flowering stage helps protect the spring wheat plant from a broad spectrum of foliar and head diseases. But he warns growers if they don’t apply a fungicide at the correct timing, the full benefit may not be seen.

“Applying a fungicide at earlier stages, like Feekes 10.3, compared to the recommended timing of Feekes 10.5.1, could result in lower yields and higher DON (deoxynivalenol) levels,” Thorsness said. “Applied at the proper early flowering stage timing, Prosaro reduces these risks, plus increases yield and profit potential.”

Field trials have shown that an 8.2 oz/A rate of Prosaro at the early flowering stage increases spring wheat yield by an average 8 bu/A over untreated acres and by 2.5 bu/A advantage over a 6.5 oz/A rate of Prosaro, regardless of weather conditions or disease pressure.

A graph showing the impact of Prosaro on spring wheat

a graph showing the impact of Prosaro on winter wheat

Protection for All Types of Wheat

Prosaro also is effective at controlling head and leaf diseases and increasing yield in winter wheat. Trials showed that fields treated with Prosaro at 8.2 oz/A at the early flowering stage had an average yield increase of 13 bu/A more than untreated fields.

Winter wheat research trials indicated Prosaro applied at a rate of 8.2 oz/A at the Feekes 10.5.1 growth stage reduced DON levels by two-thirds when compared to untreated wheat. “High DON levels reduce test weight. Lower test weights lead to dockage at the elevator and less profitability for the grower,” said Thorsness.

A Winning Formulation with Prosaro

The active ingredients in Prosaro protect the plant from head and leaf diseases, increasing overall plant health. Prosaro contains two triazoles. One triazole is rapidly absorbed by the plant for fast action against disease. In fact, NDSU rates it as the highest for efficacy against scab.

According to the Bayer Cereal Experts, Prosaro also provides broad-spectrum control of other head diseases such as Septoria glume blotch and Stagonospora blotch and leaf diseases like rusts, powdery mildew, Septoria leaf spot and tan spot in wheat. Additionally, Prosaro is highly effective against head and leaf diseases in durum wheat and barley varieties, which have low genetic resistance to scab.

To learn more about the optimum timing for a fungicide application and the powerful disease control of Prosaro, visit Prosaro.us or contact your local Bayer Cereal Expert.

©2019 Bayer Group. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer Cross and Prosaro are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. Prosaro is not registered in all states. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at www.CropScience.Bayer.us. Bayer CropScience LP, 800 North Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63167.