Evaluation of Supplemental Nitrogen Applications in Deltapine® Brand Cotton Products at the Bayer Learning Center, Scott, MS (2023)

January 30, 2024


  • Cotton yields have greatly increased, which has led to many fields having fertility deficiency symptoms.
  • Growers often ask if applying mid-season supplemental nitrogen (N) would be beneficial.
  • Understanding that N is an important macronutrient involved in many plant processes, including energy transport, vegetative development, and oil production, the Bayer Learning Center at Scott, MS decided to evaluate mid-season N applications in 2023.


Table image
  • First nitrogen application
    • Single application
      • 8 node growth stage.
      • Surface applied.
      • 96 lb actual N applied as 30-0-0-2.5 (N-P-K-S).
    • 150 lb ammonium sulfate (AMS) applied at mid bloom, equivalent to:
      • 31.4 lb actual N
      • 36.0 lb actual Sulfur (S)
  • All field work, tillage, and herbicides were per local standards.
  • Deltapine® Brand Products Planted
    • DP 2211 B3TXF (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 2317 B3TXF (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 2127 B3XF (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
    • DP 2328 B3TXF (Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn™ Cotton with XtendFlex® Technology)
    • DP 2333 B3XF (Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton)
  • Plot Design
    • 4 replications.
    • Randomized complete block.
    • Split plot design.
    • 12 rows per product, 145 feet long.
  • Field was potentially high yielding.
    • This could be viewed as the optimal case to supplement fertility.
  • Data collected:
    • Machine harvested to determine seed cotton/acre yields.
    • Site turnouts used to estimate lint yields/acre.

Understanding the Results

  • Product Performance
    • The five Deltapine® brand products were statistically similar in lint yield per acre (Figure 1).
    • No statistical change in lint yield was observed with the supplemental AMS application (Figure 2).
    • No interaction between cotton product and AMS Application was detected in the data (Figure 3).
Figure 1. Average lint yield (lb/acre) for the five Deltapine® Brand cotton products with and without supplemental AMS.

Figure 2. Average lint yield (lb/acre) of the five Deltapine® Brand cotton products with supplemental AMS and without.

Figure 3. Average lint yield (lb/acre) of each Deltapine® Brand cotton product with supplemental AMS and without.


  • In this trial, several of the newest Deltapine® brand cotton products demonstrated similar yield performance to the standards tested.
  • No response to supplemental nitrogen (N) applications was observed in this study.
  • There may be situations where cotton crops would respond positively to supplemental N (thinner soils, flushed/denitrified fertilizers, weaker background fertility).
  • Growers should evaluate each specific case using previous experience, soil testing, and consultation with trusted advisors.
  • Please contact your local Deltapine® brand representative for more information.
