Iowa Strong

Advice You Need, Nothing Else

The only thing more powerful than Mother Nature is the resilience of an Iowa farmer. And as you work to rebuild after the storm damage, Channel® is here with recovery advice you need.

Find articles and actionable next steps from local Seedsmen and technical agronomists to help finish your season the only way a true Iowan can: strong.

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Storm Damage Recovery

Next-Step Advice From Channel Seedsman Dustin Fouch

Advice for Iowa Farmers From Channel Experts

Interview: Grain Storage Concerns

Channel Agronomist Matt Nelson offers advice for Iowa farmers worried about grain storage following the derecho.

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Interview: Storm Damage Impact

On “This Week in Agribusiness,” Channel Agronomist Matt Nelson talks about crop damage and its impact on harvest and yield.

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Moving Forward

Learn about the latest agronomic findings out of Iowa and get tips for this unprecedented harvest season from Channel Technical Agronomists Matt Nelson and Jeremy Miner.

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