Farmer kneeling in a field inspecting young soybean plants while wearing a black XtendFlex glove.
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Logo of XtendFlex Soybeans

Protect Field After Field. Perform Year After Year.

Lead the field with

With elite genetics, Channel® XtendFlex® soybeans are bred to perform even under tough growing conditions, offering a

3.0 bu/A advantage over E3® soybeans*

*4,243 head-to-head comparisons in Channel’s 2023 breeding and market development germplasm trials v. key commercial E3® checks in major soybean growing regions +/- 0.2 RM. 65% win rate.

See the Science

Learn about soybean trait innovations backed by substantial research and development investment from Bayer, featuring Channel XtendFlex soybeans.**

**Based on annual Bayer Crop Science research and development investments

You Have the Freedom to Choose

Talk with a local Channel SeedPro to get expert guidance on your Bayer and other authorized soybean products.