
Farm Progress Show 2022

At the 2022 Farm Progress Show, we had the pleasure of showcasing “Proof in Action,” a Bayer TriVolt Film. We showed you proof of what the TriVolt Premium Herbicide can do for your corn fields!

Watch Proof in Action

TriVolt works. See proof with your own eyes.

Watch Proof in Action - A TriVolt Film that provides growers with a front and center view of what Premium TriVolt herbicide can do for your corn fields.

Follow Along on Social Media

For more updates on our time at the Farm Progress Show and to learn more about our products, follow us on Twitter (@BayerCropProUS) as we share more!


Learn more about the products we showcased at Farm Progress Show 2022!

TriVolt: Nortonville Plot Tour

Check out the facts and see for yourself how TriVolt™ herbicide from Bayer keeps fields clean for up to 8 weeks.

Bayer PLUS Rewards: How It Works

See what’s new about the 2022 Bayer PLUS Rewards program and how it can work for you. Follow along as Matt, an enrolled grower with 3,000 corn and soybean acres, uses this year’s program and online calculator to determine how many rewards he will earn so he can better prepare for the season ahead.
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  • Consistently High Weed Control
  • Clean Fields
  • 3 Active Ingredients
Fungicide Delaro® Complete
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  • Consistent Disease Control
  • Higher Yield Potential
  • Improved Plant Health