IPM Potato Portfolio — Stage 6:

Post 75-Days (Harvest)

Nearly to the finish line for the season, don’t let up on protecting your potatoes. Below, learn about late blight, early blight & white mold and best practices on how Bayer products can help set you up for harvest success.
New Product Spotlight

Luna Pro Fungicide

Introducing the newest member on the Force in the Field team - Luna Pro fungicide. Luna Pro is a premium premix fungicide that provides both foliar and soilborne disease control in potatoes.

Promo Tools of Luna Pro Fungicide

Product Showcase – Post 75 Days: Harvest stage

FungicideLuna® Pro
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  • Consistent Results
  • Systemic Activity
  • Resistance Management
  • Enhanced White Mold Control
InsecticideLeverage® 360 Insecticide
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  • Two Modes of Action
  • Powerful Control
  • Stress Shield Protection
FungicideLuna Tranquility® Fungicide
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  • Exceptional Efficacy
  • Resistant Disease Control
  • Application Flexibility
  • Integrated Pest Management
FungicidePrevicur® Flex Fungicide
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  • Excellent Disease Control
  • Effective Chemistry
FungicideScala® Fungicide
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  • Precise Control
  • Extensive Protection
  • Rotation Partner
  • Flexible Spray Timing
Fungicide Serenade® ASO Fungicide
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  • Effective Control
  • Active Protection
  • Flexible Application
  • Unique Mode of Action

Bayer PLUS Potato

Get more from your crop and your investment with Bayer PLUS.

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