Person inspecting a corn cob in a field of dry, mature, golden corn plants.
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Protect Your Dekalb Investment

Acceleron® Seed Applied Solutions ELITE with Enhanced Disease Control seamlessly added to DEKALB brand corn.
Added Value With No Added Cost
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100%Of Dekalb Portfolio in 2022
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For $0Seamlessly Added at No Additional Cost
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3.7 Bu/A1Advantage Over Products Without It

DEKALB Enhanced Disease Control Explained

Seed Treatment Demo | Treated Vs. Untreated

Our technical agronomist, Nicole Stecklein, discusses how to set expectations for seed treatments and how they can mean more protection, higher yield potential and zero hassle for your crop.

The Benefits of DEKALB Advanced Disease Control

Technical agronomist Jamie Long covers the benefits of the Acceleron® Seed Applied Solutions ELITE with Enhanced Disease Control, now standard on a majority of DEKALB products.

Agronomic Advice

Protect your crops with the latest articles, tips and advice from trusted DEKALB agronomists.

Seed Treatments and Below-Ground Traits

The coverage provided by trait packages and the insecticide applied to the seed as a component of Acceleron Seed Applied Solutions work together to protect against a wide range of threats.

Promo Tools of  Seed Treatments and Below-Ground Traits

Managing Corn Diseases

Disease is the enemy of yield. Fight disease in your fields with a well-rounded disease management plan, from genetics to applications.

Promo Tools of  Managing Corn Diseases

Protect What You Plant

Learn how DEKALB® can safeguard your yield from all manners of threats.

1 Reflects internal trials that have been conducted over the past four years with corn hybrids in side-by-side comparisons treated with and without Acceleron Seed Applied Solutions ELITE with Enhanced Disease Control.

2 Results from four years of internal trials comparing hybrids treated with and without Enhanced Disease Control. N=598.

3 Insecticide and nematicide offerings will vary by trait and class. Refer to the price card, bag tag or bag flap for details. Clothianidin at the 1.25 mg/seed rate is available on select products.

4 Class of 2016 and newer base genetics are treated with BioRise® 360 ST.