Premium Fiber Quality
Over a decade ago, the first Deltapine® New Product Evaluator test plot took root with the Class of 08, marking just the beginning of improved fiber quality. Today, Deltapine offers products with premium fiber quality to help our growers continue to prosper.
Strong Cotton. Getting Stronger.
Premium fiber quality is one of the Deltapine four pillars of excellence that help us deliver the strongest cotton for your region. Since the Class of 08, the average fiber strength and length of Deltapine® cotton varieties have trended upward for improved profitability potential every season — culminating in the introduction of Deltapine Select™ varieties, which offer the best yield and fiber quality potential in our portfolio.
The Journey to Improved Fiber Quality
All of Strong Cotton, including Deltapine Select™, starts with a seed that's bred, tested and grown to deliver the premium fiber quality and higher yield our growers depend on. Experience the journey from the very beginning with the Journey From Need to Seed.