Nematode Protection
Strong Cotton. Strong Protection.
Deltapine® cotton growers don’t have to sacrifice yield to nematode pressure. Using innovative genetic markers, Deltapine has perfected the process of combining high-yielding genetics with selective breeding for nematode resistance. The result: season-long protection and industry-leading yield potential.
In fact, our NR varieties achieve yield advantages of up to 200 pounds per acre over susceptible varieties in fields with moderate to high nematode pressure. Available NR varieties include DP 1823NR B2XF, DP 1747NR B2XF and DP 1558NR B2RF.
Understanding and Combating Nematode Pressure
Root-knot nematodes (RKN) and other nematode species feed on the roots of cotton plants, reducing plants’ ability to absorb water and nutrients and exposing vulnerable root systems to secondary infections. And the damage is often invisible, while above-ground symptoms — if they appear — are misdiagnosed as nutrient deficiency, disease or drought.
Nematode pressure exists in a range of soil types across the Cotton Belt and robs growers of up to 10.7* percent of yields. Learn how Deltapine helps growers protect their seed — inside and out.
*Nationwide estimated loss. Ferris, Howard. "Nematodes and Plant Damage." University of California, 1 Oct. 2015. Web.