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In the South Delta, the proof is in the performance.

’Round here, Deltapine® brand cotton has bred varieties that offer strong yield potential and fiber quality to outperform top-tested PhytoGen® W3FE varieties on your farm — year after year.

Across the South Delta, top-performing Deltapine brand cotton varieties outperformed top-tested PhytoGen W3FE varieties by 62.8 Lbs/A in 294 comparisons over 4 years. That’s a $33/A and $198/unit advantage.*

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Want to get more specific data? Use our Local Yield Results search tool to see performance information, variety-by-variety and farm-by-farm. It’s a handy way to find the Deltapine products that are performing well right down the road from you.
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New Product Evaluator Program

Deltapine products are proven performers because they are evaluated by real growers. Year after year, all across the Cotton Belt, our New Product Evaluator program uses growers in every region to select only the best of the best new local varieties to join the exclusive and top-performing Deltapine variety lineup.

NPE Grower

*294 comparisons, 2020-2023. University Official Variety Trials and On-Farm/County trials in the South Delta (MS, LA, AR) comparisons of top-performing Deltapine® varieties (DP 2127 B3XF, DP 2211 B3TXF, DP 2328 B3TXF) vs. top tested Phytogen® W3FE varieties (PHY 400 W3FE, PHY 411 W3FE, PHY 443 W3FE); Average lb/ac advantage for multiple regions is weighted by number of comparisons by region. $/acre advantage determined by taking each brand’s average yield, multiplying by the average assumed loan price (using $0.52/lb as basis, plus or minus any premiums or discounts on the 2023 USDA loan chart given quality rating from trial), and calculating the difference. $/unit advantage determined by multiplying $/acre advantage by 6 (based on an assumed planting rate of 1 unit = 6 acres).