
Silage focused product that brings tonnage potential plus digestibility

Strong disease tolerance package including Goss’s Wilt and Southern Rust

Good root strength and test weight

Good husk coverage and average flex

Has shown ability to perform in drought conditions

Caution with greensnap and late season stalk intactness

Product Details

    2675gdus to black layer
    1400gdus to mid-pollination
    107relative maturity



    Agrowth regulators sensitivity
    Apigment inhibitors sensitivity
    Asulfonylureas sensitivity

    16-18kernel row

    For RIB products, all product details listed above are for the major component of the blended product.

    Local Rating Scale
    • starHighly Recommended
    • add moderatorRecommended with Management
    • flagUse with Management
    • unionNot Recommended
    • new releasesNew Product
    National Rating Scale
    1 = Excellent, 9 = Poor, NR = Not Recommended, - = data is insufficient at this time.
    Herbicide Sensitivity
    A = Acceptable, C = Caution, W = Warning. Environmental conditions may cause herbicide interactions different than indicated for a particular growing season.
    Herbicide Tolerance
    Ratings are based on observations and research using herbicides at labeled and above labeled rates to simulate extreme environmental conditions, misapplication and adverse soil pH or organic content.
    GDU (Growing Degree Unit)
    Ratings are based on observations and research using herbicides at labeled and above labeled rates to simulate extreme environmental conditions, misapplication and adverse soil pH or organic content.

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