Thiram 50 WP Dyed Seed Treatment

Thiram 50 WP Dyed Seed Treatment

Thiram® is an industry standard with contact activity against multiple seedborne and soilborne fungi.
Approved In
    FormulaRegistration Number

    Active IngredientFormulation
    Thiram50 %

Labels / MSDS

Use and Mixin

Use and Mixing

The instructions for use and mixing described below are from the Environmental Protection Agency approved Federal Label. Always read and follow label instructions. Not all products are registered for use in every state. Please check with Bayer or your local Lead State Agency for product registration status. If you wish to find out if a product is registered in your state or for additional product information, send us an email or call 1-866-99-BAYER.
      This product may be applied as a dry treatment or may be mixed into the required amount of water to form a slurry treatment. (Rotary Drum or Small Container)-Fill unit not more than 1/2 full; add correct amount of Thiram; rotate slowly until product is evenly distributed on all seed. (Planter or Drill Box)-Place 1/2 the total amount of seed and Thiram in box and mix with paddle or stick. Add remaining 1/2 of seed and Thiram and stir as specified above.
      Reentry PPE
      PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes plus socks and protective eyewear.
      Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are listed below. If you want more options, follow the instructions for category. A on the EPA chemical resistance chart. Applicators and other handlers (other than mixers and loaders) must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes plus socks and protective eyewear. Mixers and loaders must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, waterproof gloves, shoes plus socks and protective eyewear. Mixers and loaders must wear for exposures in enclosed areas, a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge or canister with any N, R, P or HE prefilter. Mixers and loaders must wear, for exposures outdoors, a NIOSH approved respirator with any N, R, P or HE prefilter. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry

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