Bayer CropScience Supports Center For Land-Based Learning With Urban Farm WorkDay Oct. 16
October 18, 2015
Crop Science Company’s Annual Day Of Service Showcases The Importance Of Agriculture And Natural Resource Conservation At Lake Washington Urban Farm
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Oct. 19, 2015) – Bayer CropScience, along with the nonprofit Center for Land-Based Learning, hosted the Urban Farm WorkDay on Friday, Oct. 16, at the new Lake Washington Urban Farm in West Sacramento. As part of its annual community service day to celebrate World Food Day, approximately 100 Bayer employee volunteers cleared land and harvested summer fruits and vegetables at the 3.3-acre city lot. The volunteers painted a large storage container with a mural that captured the vibrant spirit of modern agriculture and the California region. In addition, Bayer has donated $20,000 to the Center for Land-Based Learning over the past two years in support of the organization’s mission and vision.
“In order to leave a better world for the citizens of West Sacramento, we are pleased to provide support to the Center for Land-Based Learning through our time and funding, as well as community service efforts such as the annual Urban Farm WorkDay,” said Mike Miille, Head of Biologics at Bayer CropScience LP. “We hope that the Lake Washington Farm will continue to expand and serve as a model for sustainable agriculture in West Sacramento as well as educate participants on the importance of growing safe, healthy food to nourish our growing population.”
The Center for Land-Based Learning is an organization that envisions a world where there is meaningful appreciation and respect for the natural environment and for the land that produces the world’s food and sustains a community’s quality of life. In recognition of this vision, Bayer supports the Center for Land-Based Learning’s West Sacramento Urban Farm Program, which provides space, infrastructure and a supportive boost to small-scale farmers looking to begin farming in an urban environment. A portion of the produce harvested by employee volunteers was donated to the River City Food Bank, the only Sacramento-area food bank open every weekday to anyone experiencing hunger from anywhere in Sacramento County.
Through participation in activities such as the Urban Farm WorkDay, Bayer CropScience also seeks to celebrate Agriculture Literacy Week, taking place Oct. 18-24. This event showcases the importance of developing an agriculturally literate population to ensure a bright future for modern agriculture. During the week, employees seek to educate the public on agricultural literacy, talking about where food comes from, how it is produced, and why agricultural innovation is necessary to produce a plentiful global food supply. Over the next 30 years, global food demand will increase 60 percent, and farmers will need to meet this demand by cultivating the same or fewer arable acres that we have today in the face of a shrinking water supply, evolving pest pressures and a changing climate. The Urban Farm WorkDay gives people a start in addressing food challenges through harvesting crops, and starting conversations on how everyone can be involved in solving food issues.
“The Center for Land-Based Learning is dedicated to creating the next generation of farmers and teaching California’s youth about the importance of agriculture and natural resource conservation”, said Mary Kimball, executive director of the Center for Land-Based Learning. “Thanks to the support of Bayer CropScience, we are able to make amazing progress toward our goals of being better stewards of agriculture in our community, educating others on the importance of agriculture, and feeding our neighbors in need. We are excited about continuing this partnership and are enthusiastic about our future growth in West Sacramento.”
For more information on the Center for Land-Based Learning, visit
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Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science fields of health care and agriculture. Bayer CropScience, the subgroup of Bayer AG responsible for the agricultural business, has annual sales of EUR 9,494 million (2014) and is one of the world’s leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of seeds, crop protection and non-agricultural pest control. The company offers an outstanding range of products including high value seeds, innovative crop protection solutions based on chemical and biological modes of action as well as an extensive service backup for modern, sustainable agriculture. In the area of non-agricultural applications, Bayer CropScience has a broad portfolio of products and services to control pests from home and garden to forestry applications. The company has a global workforce of 23,100 and is represented in more than 120 countries. This and further news is available at:
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